FMP Journal 1 4/2/15 – Christoper Jones

What have we done so far?

We began by having three scenes from the movie and we tried to recreate it with every facial expression and gesture etc once this was accomplished we began thinking of camera angles and where they were spaced out, I made a quick diagram showing exactly were each camera was layered out which helped me with actually doing it. After having a good few run-throughs we were asked to add 5 movements out of the three scenes using different techniques such as repetition, fragmentation etc after 30 minutes or so we then performed them in front of the group in which after we had been given feedback. Partners were picked for us to teach each other our solos in complete silence which i found extremely difficult, we weren’t sure however were to add this into our scenes.

What have we discovered?

I found it very difficult to almost copy my character which was Danny as he had very small movements as he was a child, also the cameras was a huge learning curve for me as i felt that i had to completely perfect the camera which was difficult as they were so sensitive to any kind of movement but luckily i have found a way to do it. Surprisingly I found that operating was the easiest for me as I felt I was in a much more relaxed and controlled environment and that i was able to look at the original scenes to make sure i had clarity in my scene changes. We have learnt that the space that we will be working with is much larger which I personally think will be easier for us. I felt like the duets went very well, as I had thought before doing the exercise it was going to be difficult but because we weren’t speaking there were no distractions to us working.

What needs to be done next?

I feel that we need to clarify our movements as a group in order for us to be able to connect to it more I also think this relates to the camera work because without clarity i do not think we will be able to pull it off as good as we can. We need to add more scenes to our performance in order to carry on also adding movements to them then clarify.

One thought on “FMP Journal 1 4/2/15 – Christoper Jones

  1. Agreed- clarity is definitely the way forward in all respects here. We seem to have developed two distinct styles of work here: the very precise reconstruction of the film and the camera work, alongside the physical vocabulary which is our mediation of original gestures. Last week saw some interesting work with the two meeting for the first time. I’m hoping that the piece gives us space for the duets soon, so that they can be weaved in too. Your duet with Sophia was working really well on Wednesday.


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